Today is Unduvap Poya (20.12.2010)

Unduvap is the last full moon Poya day according to the Sinhala Buddhist calendar. This year’s Unduvap Poya falls on Monday 20th December.

The unique event of bringing the Bo-sapling of the sacred Jayasiri Maha Bodhi from India to Anuradhapura, took place 2552 years ago on an Unduvap Full Moon Poya Day.

As true Buddhists let us follow the Pancha-Sila, on the Unduvap Full Moon Poya Day and abstain from destroying living beings, taking things not given, abstain from sexual misconduct and false speech, abstain from taking anything that causes intoxication or heedlessness. Every Buddhist should observe these Five Precepts in order to elevate himself morally and spiritually.


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