Mahācattārīsakasuttaṃ(III. 2. 7.) – MAJJHIMA NIKĀYA III

Bhikkhus, what is wrong view? There are no results for gifts, sacrifices and offerings. There are no results for good and bad actions. There is no this world, no other world, no mother, no father, no spontaneously arisen beings, There are no recluses and brahmins who realizing this world and the other world declare it. Bhikkhus, this is wrong view.

Bhikkhus, what is right view? with desires to share merit, which mature as substratum? There are results for gifts, sacrifices and offerings. There are results for good and bad actions. There is this world, another world, mother, father, spontaneously arisen beings, There are recluses and brahmins who realizing this world and the other world declare it. This is right view with desires, to share merit, which mature as substratum…..

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