Today(26/03/13) is Medin Full Moon Poya Day

It was on the Medin Full Moon Day, the Blessed one, along with a retinue of about 20,000 disciples’ trekked from Veluwanaramaya, Rajagriha, to Kimbulwathpura to meet his father, king Suddodhana, relatives and friends of the Sakhya Clan.

It can be said that the main theme of Medin Poya, deals with the Buddha’s journey from Rajagriha to Kimbulwathpura, seven years after this Abhiniskaramanaya to meet the relatives.

After attaining Buddha hood on Wesak Poya Day, and after delivering the Dhammachakkapawattana Sutta- the “wheel of Dhamma, on the Esala Full Moon Day he continued to reside in Rajagriha for sometime.

King Suddodhana was afflicted with a great desire to see his beloved son- Gotama Buddha.

However, on account of Royal Dignity, Suddhodana did not make the journey himself to meet his son- Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, but, dispatched emissaries after emissaries under the leadership of his Ministers pleading with the Buddha to visit Kimbulwathpuraya.

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