Today is Nikini Poya Day

Significance of Nikini Poya

Nikini is the eighth Full Moon Poya of the year.(20/08/2013)

After the Enlightened One preached his first sermon, DHAMMA CHAKKA PAVATTANA SUTRA the Wheel of Dhamma, to the five disciples, Kondanna, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahanama, Assaji, in the Deer Park , Isipathana, in Banares, he advised his disciples to spread the Buddhist Doctrine and the Message of Noble Dhamma to Mankind. Nikini Poya is connected with VAS- Rainy Season – which commence from Esala Poya. During the “VAS” season, Buddhist monks are assigned themselves to be stationed in one place, under one roof during.

The Nikini Full Moon Poya Day is important as far as the Buddhist Order is concerned. Buddhist Monks and lay devotees perform an act, according to certain rules and regulations laid down by Gautama Buddha the “Great Mahapurisha”. The close association and the link that bind the Devotees and the Sangha, can be clearly seen on Poya Days.


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