Ehipassiko – Ven Mogok Sayadaw Thero

The Buddha’s teaching is generally called the Dhamma. It is neither a revelation nor a legendary speculation with a theological twist.

It is the Truth ever prevailing in the Universe, and a unique discovery by a unique and enlightened religious teacher. However, Buddhism is the modern term used for the Dhamma and named after its discoverer. Gotama the Buddha, realized the Truth and proclaimed it to the world.

There is no doubt that it is difficult for an ordinary man to comprehend it properly, since the ordinary man’s mind is invariably clouded with illusion.

The popular Pali verse expounding these Dhamma virtues is Svakkhato Bhagavata Dhammo, Sanditthiko, Akaliko, Ehipassiko, Opanayiko and Paccattam Veditabbo Vinnuhi.



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