Saṁkhāra – The Law of Dependent Arising (Paṭicca Samuppāda) – Bhikkhu Katukurunde Ñāṇananda

kāya saṁkhāra, vacī saṁkhāra, citta saṁkhāra.

Coming back to our subject saṁkhāra, we see it occurs as the second factor in the Paṭicca Samuppāda, following avijjā. You know we have many a time repeated and so on. The Buddha has himself given a clarification of the term saṁkhāra, in the  Vibhanga Sutta   (Division II  Nidāna,  Abhisamaya Saṃyutta,  Buddha Vagga,   Saṃyutta Nikāya

Monks, what are the preparations? There are three, preparations of the body, speech and mind. Remember they are in the singular. There is yet another clear analysis of these terms in the Cūlavedalla Sutta of the Majjhima Nikāya We meet Arahant Therī Dhammadinnā making a comprehensive analysis of them in reply to lay disciple Visākha’s questions. He wished to know what exactly is meant by kāya saṁkhāra, vacī saṁkhāra, citta saṁkhāra. Arahant Therī Dhammadinnā explained “Friend Visākha, inhalation and exhalation are the preparation of the body, reasoning and deliberation are the preparation of speech. Perception and feeling are the preparation of the mind.”

Again the layman Visākha questions, “Noble lady, how do inhalation and exhalation be the preparation for the body? How do reasoning and deliberation be the preparation for speech? How do perception and feeling be the preparation for the mind?” Then the Arahant Therī had to explain further. “Friend Visākha, inhalation and exhalation are physical and bound to be associated with the body. They are therefore the preparation of the body.” Then she continues. Here she explains something special. “Friend Visākha, first, one reasons out and deliberates. Then expresses in speech. Therefore, reasoning and deliberation are the preparation of speech.” Then she continues, “saññā ca vedanā ca āvuso visākha cetasikā. ete dhammā cittapaṭibaddhā. tasmā saññā ca vedanā ca citta saṁkhāro.” Perceptions and feelings are mental phenomena. They are associated with the mind. Therefore they are the preparation of the mind. Now let us explore the implications behind these words…..Extracted from page 327-328 – The Law of Dependent Arising (Paṭicca Samuppāda)- Library Edition, Bhikkhu Katukurunde Ñāṇananda

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