Sama Sathalis Karmasthana (Sinhala)

නා උයනේ අරියධම්ම මහනාහිමි
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    • Dewananda on February 12, 2013 at 12:05 am
    • Reply

    I am dilighted having seen these books. I would like other books of Nauyane maha thera to have.
    1. Vipassana bhavana
    2. abhidhamma bhavana- 1
    3 abhidhamma bhavana- 2
    May you all be rewarded much joy, study and propergate Dhamma

    • Dewananda on February 12, 2013 at 12:24 am
    • Reply

    I am dilighted by seeing much of books collection to have here. how would be nicer that some of other books of Most Ven. Na-Uyane Mahathera might apear in the time to come. I will say 
    1. VIpassana bhavana
    2. Abhidhamma bhavana 1, 2
    these are some of more helpful books for sdudents who lives in abroad. even some of westen people now getting interest and try to learn Abhidhamma to taste real dhamma in Theravada point of view. thanks for your contribution. May you have rejoice in dhamma.
    Dewananda bhikkhu.

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