Kammatthana Meditation – Ven Mahasi Sayadaw Thero

To amplify this statement, it may be explained that undoubtedly all beings wish to live always in happiness without getting old and sick and suffering death, and also without suffering from other kinds of dukkha (such as pain, grief and misery). Nevertheless it does not happen that way, much as we may wish to be so.

In any life  existence old age is inevitable. Sickness is unavoidable. And because of all sorts of dangers and tribulations which one is bound to come across in his lifetime, anxiety, sorrow and lamentation would take place. And weep we must. So also, physical sufferings and discomforts, mental pains and sufferings are sure to be met with often. Finally one of the worst sufferings that can cause death takes place and after becoming unbearable, death will follow. Death is, however, not an end. Persons who are not yet free from craving for life existence will again be reborn in the next existence. Then, the new existence will similarly bring about old age disease and death. In this way, all beings will invariably meet with the same undesirable fate, misery and sufferings in one life existence after another.

May all those who earnestly wish to get liberated from old age, death and other kinds of misery through realization of Nibbana be able to practise meditation as duly instructed herein and speedily attain the Eternal Peace of Nibbana.

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