Robert Knox – A historical Relation of the Island Ceylon

The Englishman called Robert Knox who was under the custody of the Sinhalese King in the Kandyan kingdom has made a description on this custom in his book A historical Relation of the Island Ceylon. ”There is a marvellous kind of beggars in Ceylon. They are bald headed and wear the same kind of dress. They go on begging food from house to house with a round bowl in their hands. The most marvellous thing is that the people give them the most precious food they have and lastly worship also.”

How interesting it could be to a person who knows nothing about this custom.

Even today in Theravada Buddhist countries including Sri Lanka, this custom is considered as a great merit by both laymen and Bhikkhus. But it is rare now as Bhikkhus get enough alms at the temple. Anyway, today there are so many differences in this custom country wise, region wise, sect wise and congregation wise etc. Usually, today Pindapatha journeys are organised to commemorate ceremonial occasion.

Especially we will be able to see so many Pindapatha journeys for the coming Buddhist Era 2600. During the Buddha’s time the custom was not a ceremonial act but now we see it like that. It is not the same in every Buddhist institution. They have their own customs and rules. Some wear the robe closing both shoulders but some close only one shoulder. Some wear only single lined robe and some wear both single and double lined robes. Some follow it in the identical way whilst some have their own ways. Anyway we can be happy that there is this great, meaningful custom still among Buddhist countries, particularly in Sri Lanka.

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    • Dilisha Indeevarie on January 28, 2012 at 12:36 am
    • Reply

    Ya not bad but also not sufficient. Hope u could make this more… Well coz I;m now kinda desperate finding information for this booklet of Kandyan kings & governors… ahhh this is sooo frustrating… Can anayone help pls???? 

    [email protected] 

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