Simply This Moment – Ven.Ajahn Brahmavamso.

Ven.Ajahn Brahmavamso.

Many of you have heard my talks on the subject before, so you may hear much that is repeated. But because these talks are not pre-planned there will be information that you have not heard and that will be helpful to you. Anything that helps you to settle the mind, let go of the hindrances, and let go of the world of the five senses will be useful to you. Anything that helps you gain these ‘uttarimanussadhamma’, these extraordinary conditions, these superior human states which are worthy of the Ariyas, will be very useful to you.

I spoke in my last talk about the need for sense-restraint and it goes without saying that sense-restraint gives one the groundwork, the foundation, for taking this mind into a deeper, fuller restraint of the senses, a fuller letting go of the many, many places where the mind dwells. We need to go into a deeper place inside the mind, a place of great peace and bliss, a very profound place which gives you great insights into the nature of the mind. You can then see what the mind is capable of and how it feels to be in those states. You see what those states are and how they come about.


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