Dhammas Relative Arising Phenomena-1 – Anagarika_Tevijjo

Most modern-day philosophers and scientists would be reluctant to accept that the Buddha and his followers (both in the Buddhist era and in later commentaries) had explained and clarified the causal dependent arising of all conditioned phenomena, for the simple reason that the cause and effect explanations and relations outlined in the Abhidhamma wholly transcend the logical and rational capacity of the methodology of modern science.

In this compendium of related-articles on the dhammas and arising phenomena, we shall be quoting from a number of erudite authors and scholars who will break-down and discuss the ultimate paradox of seemingly permanent and fixed phenomena being fleeting accumulations of miniscule dhammas ─ which are instantaneously coming-together in momentarily arising phenomena which, at the very same time, are irrevocably (and irreplaceably) falling apart and
disappearing once again.




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