Three Discourses concerning Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī

Untitled“It is possible, Ānanda, that women, in this Dhamma and Discipline taught by the Realised One, having gone forth from the home to the homeless life, to directly experience the fruit of Stream Entry, and the fruit of Once-Returning, and the fruit of Non-Returning, and the fruit of Liberation.”

“If it is possible, reverend Sir, for women, in this Dhamma and Discipline taught by the Realised One, having gone forth from the home to the homeless life, to directly experience the fruit of Stream Entry, and the fruit of Once-Returning, and the fruit of Non-Returning, and the fruit of Liberation, and Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī was a great help, reverend Sir, she is the Gracious One’s maternal aunt, his wet-nurse, who looked after him and gave him milk, and after the Gracious One’s Mother had died, she gave him suck at the breast. It would be good, reverend Sir, if women could receive, in this Dhamma and Discipline taught by the Realised One, the going forth from the home to the homeless life.”

The Eight Serious Rules:-
“If, Ānanda, Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī accepts these eight serious rules, this will be the higher ordination for her:….


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