AGGAÑÑA SUTTA – Part 1 (4-Aug-2014) by Bhante Punnaji

250px-GitamritaAggañña Sutta is the 27th Sutta of the Digha Nikaya collection. The sutta describes a discourse imparted by theBuddha to two brahmins, Bharadvaja and Vasettha, who left their family and caste to become monks.

The two brahmins are insulted and maligned by their own caste for their intention to become members of the Sangha. The Buddha explains that caste and lineage cannot be compared to the achievement of morality practice and the Dhamma, as anyone from the four castes can become a monk and reach the state of Arahant.

he explains about the beginning of the Earth and the birth of social order and its structure, including the castes. The Buddha emphasizes the message of universality in the Dhamma and how the Dhamma is the best of all things.

Part – 01


Part – 02


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