Finding a Place from Which to Start – Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi Thero

When one sets out to choose a religion, how does one make the right choice? Different religions offer us such different perspectives on the nature of human life, and such different paths of practice, that it is impossible to find a unifying scheme capable of reconciling their opposing claims.

Buddhism is a non-theistic religion that teaches rebirth. It does not accept any concept of a creator God, yet it teaches that we migrate from life to life, in the human realm and in other realms, depending on our karma, our intentional actions.

The starting point for all reflection in Buddhism is a universal urge that lies at the bottom of our being: the desire to avoid pain and suffering and to find happiness and well-being.

(1) what can we do to avoid suffering? And: (2) what can we do to achieve happiness?

(1) What should we do to avoid long-term harm and suffering? And: (2) What should we do to achieve long-term happiness and well-being?

Buddha asks us to use our own experience as a guide for determining the right answers. The final goal of the Buddha’s path is Nibbana.



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