Category: Ven K. Sri Dhammananda Thero

How to choose a Religion – Ven Dr K Dhammananda Thero

During the time of the Buddha there was a great intellectual activity in India. Some of the most intelligent people the world has ever known were actively engaged in the great religious controversies of the time. Was there a Creator? Was there no Creator? Was there soul? Was there no soul? Was the world beginning …

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Are Buddhists really idol worshippers? – Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Thero

  Many people are under a misapprehension that Buddhists pray to idols. This is due to a lack of knowledge of the teaching of the Buddha and Buddhist customs and traditions. Buddhists do not normally pray to images and idols; what they do is to pay homage to a great religious teacher who is worthy …

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Religion in a Scientific Age – Ven K Sri Dhammananda Thero

Today we live in a scientific age in which almost every aspect of our lives have been affected by science. Since the scientific revolution during the seventeenth century, science has continued to exert tremendous influence on what we think and do. The impact of science has been particularly strong on traditional religious beliefs. Many basic …

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What Buddhists Believe – Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera

There are kind, humble, polite and religious people amongst non-vegetarians. Therefore, one should not condone the statement that a pure, religious man must practise vegetarianism. On the other hand, if anybody thinks that people cannot have a healthy life without taking fish and meat, it does not necessarily follow that they are correct since there …

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Great Virtues of the Dhamma – Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda

The Buddha’s teaching is generally called the Dhamma. It is neither a revelation nor a legendary speculation with a theological twist. It is the Truth ever prevailing in the Universe, and a unique discovery by a unique and enlightened religious teacher. However, Buddhism is the modern term used for the Dhamma and named after its …

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Modern Challanges to Buddhism – Ven K Dhammananda Thero

Part 01 [mp3][/mp3] Part 02 [mp3][/mp3]

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Concept of Heaven and Hell in Buddhism

What is the concept of Heaven and Hell in Buddhism? Answers are provided here by Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda together with Ven. Dr. H. Gunaratana. This Q&A is part of a presentation held in 1997 at the Buddhist Missionary Society, KL.

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Buddhist extraordinary teachings

Is there any extraordinary teaching in Buddhism which we cannot find in any other religion? Buddhism never gives anything for people to believe!! Buddhism encourage people to open their mind to see things unbiasedly. Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda makes this distinction from the historical perspective during the time of the Buddha. The major doctrinal difference …

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Is the act of Buddhist renunciation an escape from worldly duties and reality?

Is renunciation an escape from worldly duties and reality. An interesting perspective is given by Ven. Dr. H. Gunaratana with Ven. Dr. K. Sri Dhammandanda further explaining the serious implications behind renunciation. Although Buddhism is the religion of nearly one fifth of the world’s population, there are many misunderstandings about its Doctrine and Practice. The …

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Status of Women in Buddhism – Ven Dr K Sri Dhammananda Thero

Discrimination against women is a feature common in all societies. Whether in Africa, America, Asia or Europe, the prejudice and obstacles that women have to encounter and surmount seemed almost identical. The peculiar disability attached to women all over the world is based on religious bias. Women’s basic disability originates in religion. Women are depicted …

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