Questions on Death of Soma Thero

somathero_360px_12_12_12Questions on death of Soma Thera: The need for a presidential commission

By Ven. Maharagama Dhammasiri thera It is nearly two months since the demise of Ven. Gangodawila Soma thera. There is no positive response so far to a request from the Sasana Sevaka Society of Maharagama Siri Vajiragnana Dharmayatanaya to appoint a Presidential Commission to investigate the death of the monk under suspicious circumstances in Russia.

We do not question the report of the forensic experts who said that the death resulted from a heart attack. But our query has not been about the immediate cause for the death. We suspect that the immediate cause of his death had resulted from a conspiracy by an extremist religious group which induced the monk to visit Russia.


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