Pañcasīla Sutta (Observe the Five Precepts) – Saḷāyatanavaggo Samyutta 36, Mātugāma Saṃyutta, Chapter 2 Anuruddha VaggoSamyutta Nikāya Volume IV ––

36. 2. 11 (26) Pañcasīla –– Observe the Five Precepts

1. “Monks women endowed with five factors, go to a good state, are reborn in heaven. What five?

2. “They abstain from destroying life, taking the not given, misbehaving sexually, telling lies, and taking intoxicating drinks and becoming negligent.

3. “Monks, women endowed with these five factors go to a good state, are reborn in heaven.” – Pañcasīla Sutta


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